lifestyle · motherhood

Daily bumps…

Ahh sundays….

They’ve always been my least favorite day of the week ever since I could remember. I’m not exactly sure why, because I usually do the same things on the daily. I remember I hated sundays back in my school days because… Sunday meant Monday and Monday meant school,  but as adult I have no reason to really hate sundays.

Maybe it’s just because I feel like Sunday has a connotation of being a lazy day… 

today, I needed a little pick me up, the odd thing is, for someone who hated ice coffees of any kind before this pregnancy all I can drink these days coffee wise is iced coffees… it’s so strange and watered down. See what I mean about sundays? I’m over here blogging about ice coffees. Also the baby bump just keeps growing, and I’m convinced this little girl never sleeps while in my stomach. Constant kicks, moves, yawns, whatever all day. It’s nice though.

Anyway, today, I think I’ll start a plan for next week. Plan out what we need to do, etc. I’ll probably also make my way to the park with the baby and the puppy and then perhaps finish my never ending pile of laundry that I started earlier.

Have a good Sunday.
